Having succesfully masterminded the plan of splitting planet earth to avoid a devastating collision with an asteroid, scientist Ella Lopez finds herself in an even bigger challenge: Surviving in a world mutated by a cosmic dust cloud! Luckily the purple dust left her with the power of a superhero and her pet dog as a talking unicorn… Surrounded by crazy monsters in an unearthly landscape, the two best friends are going to need all their wit and strength, not least when they encounter Blini, their new mortal enemy!
This is the plot of Ella, the first comic from Cosmic Boots, a major, ongoing personal project of ours. What we love the most in our work is creating universes, right from piecing together a background story to creating individual characters, and with Cosmic Boots that’s exactly what we do. One of the things that excites us the most is that we’re able to explore and develop this universe through a range of our favourite media such as comics, toys, installations, and merchandise.
Brosmind / 2020