The four warriors of Brosmind’s KRIPTO KOMBATZ joined forces on a cold autumn’s day in the year 2676 with the aim to end CHUNK THE CHAIN’s evil reign over the Metaverse. Give a warm, metastic welcome to PIXIE PI, DEMON DAMON, ZZZINJA, and BADDIE THE BEAST!
By the sheer force of her insatiable hunger for revenge and irrefutable knack for mind games, PIXIE PI turned her unjust imprisonment into her greatest asset: She now leads the KRIPTO KOMBATZ from the control centre of her fish tank!
Also known as the Potion Master, DEMON DAMON deals in fluids and all the dark matters of the mind!
The fierce and fearless ZZZINJA broke the algorithm when he was created and has been operating in the shadows of the almighty blockchain ever since!
A victim of his creator’s sick love of genetic research, BADDIE THE BEAST has been modified and rebooted more times than his hard drive cares to memorise, but with his kung fu plug-in he slits meta like no other!
Brosmind / Not Only a JPG / 2022